Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Components Of The Evaluation Process - 1540 Words

When beginning treatment for someone dealing with alcohol abuse or dependence, there is a specific process that must be undergone. The components of the evaluation process are as follows: (1) screening, (2) diagnosis, (3) assessment, (4) motivation, (5) treatment, and (6) follow-up. All of these are essential to proper treatment for clients dealing with alcohol problems. For the sake of this paper, focus will be directed purposefully towards the process of assessment. When any indication of alcohol concerns, whether by referral or by the screening process of evaluation, it’s necessary to begin exploring the case in greater depth. To begin addressing the complexity of the situation, you must first begin with the process of assessment. The†¦show more content†¦The Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI) is an instrument designed to measure the multiple aspects of an individual’s involvement with alcohol. It is derived from the multiple condition theory about alcohol use and its associated problems (Horn Wanberg, 1990). This theory views the alcoholic as a set of patterns resulting from several factors. It focuses on the differing perceptions of benefits from alcohol consumption, drinking patterns and styles, presumed ideas of consequences associated with alcohol, and the individual’s thoughts on dealing with alcohol problems. It is comprised of twenty-four scales and subscales with a total of two hundred twenty-eight items. The AUI is useful in assessing both the adult and adolescent population with a reading capability of at least the sixth grade level. It is a self-administered instrument available in the formats of pencil and paper as well as by computer. The time required for administration ranges from thirty-five to sixty minutes. It is usually scored by a clinician but clerical personnel may also do so. Interpretation of the score takes about three to five minutes using a computer and ten minutes by manual scoring. Studies have been done to determine the reliability and validity of the AUI. Such studies have established its reliability in measures of test-retest and internal consistency and its validity in measure of content, criterion, and construct (Horn Wanberg, 1990). The AUI consists

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